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Peer Reviewed Publications

Wallard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy 14th edition Book cover
Occupational therapy and congenital upper limb differences

Published: April 2024 in Let's Talk DEI: OT Practice

Authors: Sarah Tuberty; Amber Jenkins, Laura Faye Clubok, Natalie Grazian, Madelyn Hubbs, and Olivia Levchak

Article Synopsis: "Learn language and hot topics when working with clients and co-workers from the congenital upper limb difference community"


Self-Concept Development in Children with Limb Differences: A Scoping Review. (Journal Article)

Published: January 2023 in the International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

Authors: Sally Martens, PhD, FNCP; Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L; Michelle James, MD

Article Synopsis: "The findings of these studies indicated that the social environment directly impacted the  development of psychopathology and self-concept in children with limb differences. This review demonstrated a need for a gold standard instrument with which to assess children's self-concept."


The Hand Book: An informational Guide for Parents of Children with Hand Differences

Published: October 2022 by American Society for Surgery of the Hand

Authors: Nina LIghtdale-Miric, MD; Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L

Overview: "The Hand Book is a unique and much needed guide for knowledge-seeking parents of a child with a hand difference. The Hand Book follows you through your personal journey of understanding the science of hand differences. It offers support as you cope with the news of your child’s hand difference at birth, make medical decisions, enroll your child in school, prepare your child for living independently as an adult, and everything in between."


Caring for children with congenital upper extremity differences.

Published: September, 2021 in The Journal of Hand Surgery

Authors: Nina LIghtdale-Miric, MD; Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L; Danielle Nelson, PhD

Abstract: "The purpose of this article is to provide information about the changing landscapes in research, treatment, civil rights' protection, disability awareness, and accepted terminology in the care of children with congenital upper limb differences. This knowledge can guide clinical and nonclinical conversations between patients and their families."

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2021.07.001

Burns (Resource Page in TextBook)

Published: 2019 in the Willard and Speckman's Occupational Therapy 14th edition Textbook Published by Wolters Kluwer

Authors: Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L

Resource Synopsis: Respource page provided up to date terminology and classification for burn conditions and severity as well as possible theraputic interventions.

ISBN: 9781975219062

Conference Presentations

Dr. Nina Lightdale-Miric and Sarah Tuberty standing infront of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand Conference Step and Repeat
Keynote Speaker: Ableism: Exploration of Terminology, Stigma, and Patient Perspectives

Presented: May 2023, World Symposium on Congential Malformations of the Hand and Upper LImb

Location: In person, Minneapolis, MN

The Unique experience of congenital upper limb difference in the Aerial Arts

Presenters: Dana Sheng, MD and Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L

Presented: June, 2021 at the Performing Arts Medical Association

Location: Virtual, New York, NY

Psychological impacts of congenital hand differences

Presenters: Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L

Presented: April, 2021 at the Pediatric Hand Study Group

Location: Virtual, Chicago, IL

Disability and the Aerial Arts

Presenters: Sarah Tuberty, OTD, OTR/L

Presented: October, 2020 at the District 5495 Interact Fall Leadership Conference

Location: Virtual, Prescott, AZ

Camp Winning Hands

Presenters: Sarah Tuberty

Presented: February, 2019 at the Pediatric Hand Study Group

Location: In Person, Denver, CO

Super-Abled: Disability Representation in Comics, Movies, Games, and More

Panel Members: Travis Rivas, Angel Giuffria, Jay Justice, Trace Wilson, Sarah Tuberty, Jennifer Kretchmer

Presented: July 2019 at Comic-Con

Location: In Person, San Diego

Creative Works

Super Abled Comics Anthology 2019 Paperback Cover
Chiara: Dancing in Darkness apart of the Super-Abled Comic Anthology

Author: Sarah Tuberty

Artwork: Mauricio Campetella

Published: 2019 by Accidental Aliens

About: When a sentient virus takes over a small country and tries to eliminate anything that’s different, Chiara must use her powers to save her best friend.

Accidental Aliens: Super-Abled Comics


Grants, Scholarships, and Awards

Virginia Chandler Dykes Head short
  • Virginia Chandler Dykes Scholarship Award 2023-2024

  • World Symposium on Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Upper Limb Keynote Speaker Grant 2023

  • Virginia Chandler Dykes Scholarship Award 2022-2023

  • Challenged Athlete's Foundation Grant 2021

  • PEAK Award- Person of Extraordinary Achievement and Kindness, 2019 Children's Hospital of Los Angeles

  • Brookline Rotary Grant to Attend the InterRota Taipei, Taiwan Conference 2017


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©2024 by Sarah Tuberty

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